Finding Christ and Purpose


In a world that seemed to be spiraling into chaos, I found myself on a personal journey, searching for the elusive road that would lead me to my own breakthrough in finding Christ and understanding His plan for me. I had spent the last ten-plus years of my life seeking answers, searching for meaning, and trying to make sense of the world around me.

I was acutely aware of the increasing despair that had gripped the hearts of people worldwide. As the end of days drew near, more and more individuals were desperately seeking salvation, but they seemed to have nowhere to turn and no one to guide them. It was a troubling realization, and it weighed heavily on my heart.

What troubled me even more was the number of Christians who, for various reasons, seemed to turn their backs on those who were searching for the truth. Some lacked the knowledge themselves, while others appeared lukewarm in their faith, living their lives immersed in worldly pursuits, seemingly indifferent to the spiritual needs of those around them.

My own moment of breakthrough and clarity came unexpectedly, as I was listening to Sadie Robertson share her testimony. She recounted the story of Simon, a fisherman who had toiled all night without catching a single fish. Exhausted and ready to call it a night, Simon’s life took a remarkable turn when he encountered Jesus speaking to a crowd of people. Jesus asked to preach from Simon’s boat, a request that must have left Simon and his brother in awe and disbelief.

As Jesus finished speaking to the crowd, He turned to Simon and instructed him to cast his nets into the deep water for a catch. Simon, tired and perhaps reluctant, agreed, saying, “Because it’s You, Master, I will do as You say.” Little did he know that this simple act of obedience would change the course of his life forever.

The story is well-known: the nets were filled with so many fish that the boats began to sink. Overwhelmed by this miraculous catch, Simon fell at Jesus’ feet and said, “Master, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” It was at this moment that Sadie Robertson posed a thought-provoking question during her testimony: “What is your boat? What are you good at? What is your passion? What could you use to serve the Lord?” And then she asked the most crucial question of all: “What is your net? What is stopping you from casting it out?”

That moment was a turning point in my life. It was the moment I realized that God had been speaking to me all along, but I hadn’t been listening. Everything changed from that point on. The world around me appeared different, as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes. I saw the reality of the world, its undeniable evil, and the overwhelming temptations that surrounded us. I had opened a door to a different world, one that few people ever get to see.

Since that moment, I’ve witnessed friends and loved ones proclaim their relationship with Jesus, but their lifestyles often didn’t align with God’s teachings. They remained entangled in worldly pursuits, and their actions, conversations, and social media posts reflected it. While it’s not our place to judge others, seeing someone you care about stray from the path of righteousness compels you to guide them back to what is good.

I’ve often emphasized that when you become a child of God, the old you must die. Your old self cannot coexist within the new creation the Lord has made you to be. Letting go of worldly attachments is necessary and distinguishes between being a true Christian and a lukewarm one.

If you’re seeking salvation and a relationship with Jesus, you don’t necessarily need to find a church right away. Faith begins with believing in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Repentance is crucial, but remember that once you do this, you are forgiven. However, the real work begins after that, and if you trust in Him, He will lead you the rest of the way.

If you want to delve into God’s word, you can start with a Bible. You don’t need the most expensive one; there are Bible apps available on your phone, and the NIV translation is a good starting point for its ease of understanding. Later, you can explore the KJV or other versions as you see fit.

Prayer need not be complicated. Just talk to the Lord as you would with your best friend. However, one piece of advice: refrain from speaking your plans out loud, whether to Jesus or anyone else. Pray in your mind because Jesus can read your thoughts, while the enemy cannot.

When it comes to finding a church, exercise caution, as not all churches are alike. Some may appear lukewarm or evade important questions. Trust your instincts, and seek out individuals who are genuinely pursuing the truth. If something feels off or out of place, trust that God will guide you and remove anything that doesn’t align with His will.

In your quest to find your way, remember that the Lord will lead you down the path if you give Him your heart. He will provide more than you could ever imagine. The world may seem tumultuous and uncertain, but with Christ as your guide, you can navigate its challenges and find the peace and purpose you’ve been searching for.

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