Internal Battle: Faith vs. Doubt


Reflections on Spiritual Warfare and Faith

In recent months, since my baptism, I have noticed a significant increase in spiritual warfare. It feels as though the intensity of these battles has escalated, affecting various aspects of my life. The most prominent struggle is within my mind, where a raging conflict persists. Despite knowing that God is speaking to me and guiding me towards specific paths, I often find myself wrestling with doubt and resistance. This internal turmoil manifests as distractions, making it difficult to read or even listen to the Bible. My thoughts run amok, and the enemy seems relentless in his attempts to disrupt my connection with God’s word.

This spiritual warfare is not just a minor distraction; it feels like an all-out assault on my faith and mental clarity. I find solace in listening to the Bible, hoping that by doing so, I am still absorbing God’s word. However, even this can be challenging as my mind often drifts, making it hard to focus on the message. This internal struggle is a testament to the enemy’s tactics, aiming to sow seeds of confusion and doubt.

Knowing that the Holy Spirit resides within me provides some comfort, yet there are moments when I question my salvation. These doubts creep in, making me wonder if God is truly listening to me or if He even exists. I recognize these thoughts as the enemy’s work, attempting to destabilize my faith. Despite these challenges, I hold on to the truth that I love Jesus and have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I believe in His sacrifice on the cross for my sins, but the conflict in my mind remains. Questions about the nature of Jesus’ love and sacrifice persist, making me ponder how He could endure such suffering for humanity.

Contemplations on Creation and the Universe

The verse from Genesis, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” sparks profound questions within me. When the Bible mentions “heavens,” is it referring to the countless galaxies in the universe? As Christians, we acknowledge that God is the creator of the entire universe, which includes billions of galaxies. This realization opens up a realm of possibilities about the purpose and nature of these galaxies. Could there be other Earth-like planets, each with beings created by God and each experiencing their own form of salvation through Jesus?

The vastness of the universe is both awe-inspiring and humbling. It prompts me to consider the scope of God’s creation and His purpose for it. The idea that there could be multiple Earths, each with its own unique relationship with God, is intriguing. It suggests a grander design, one that extends beyond our limited understanding. This perspective challenges us to think beyond our planet and consider the possibility of other worlds where God’s love and redemption are at work.

This contemplation does not diminish the significance of our Earth but rather enhances our appreciation of God’s boundless creativity and love. The thought that there might be other beings, created in God’s image, experiencing His love and salvation, expands our understanding of His divine plan. It also underscores the interconnectedness of all creation, revealing a tapestry of life and faith that spans the universe.

The Mystery of the Universe and Faith

The enormity of the universe leads me to believe that God’s creation is far more expansive than we can comprehend. It’s possible that there are other Earths, other places where beings worship God and experience His love. The idea of alternate universes and galaxies where Jesus’ sacrifice might also be present is mind-boggling. As Christians, we often say we don’t know the answers to these questions, and it’s true. We can only speculate about God’s purpose in creating such an enormous universe.

The mystery of the universe invites us to explore the depths of our faith and the wonders of God’s creation. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, trusting that God’s plan is greater than we can imagine. The possibility of alternate universes and multiple Earths challenges our perception of reality and invites us to consider a broader, more inclusive view of God’s kingdom.

The vastness of space and the sheer number of galaxies remind us of our own smallness in the grand scheme of things. Yet, this realization does not diminish our value but rather highlights the extraordinary nature of God’s love for each of us. It is a love that transcends time and space, reaching into the farthest corners of the universe.

Faith, Salvation, and the Afterlife

We live our lives on Earth with the opportunity to follow God and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. By doing so, we earn our place in heaven, an alternate universe where we experience eternal joy and peace. Those who reject God face a different fate, one of torment and destruction. They live in a spiritual world of chaos and disease, without the joy of God’s presence.

This understanding of faith and salvation emphasizes the importance of our choices on Earth. Our actions and decisions have eternal consequences, shaping our destiny in the afterlife. By accepting Jesus Christ and following God’s guidance, we secure our place in a heavenly realm where love, peace, and harmony abound.

The concept of an alternate universe as heaven offers a vivid picture of our eternal home. It is a place free from pain, suffering, and sorrow, where we live in perfect harmony with God and one another. This vision of heaven inspires us to live righteously and to share the message of salvation with others, knowing that our time on Earth is a preparation for the eternal joy that awaits us.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

Satan, the father of lies, seeks to deceive and destroy. He knows he has lost the war and is determined to take as many with him as possible. Those who follow him will face a void, a dark place of nothingness. Hell is not an alternate universe but a state of eternal torment, where one is left with only their regrets and missed opportunities.

Understanding the reality of spiritual warfare helps us to stay vigilant and firm in our faith. It reminds us that our struggles are not merely physical but spiritual battles against forces of darkness. By equipping ourselves with the armor of God, we can withstand the enemy’s attacks and remain steadfast in our faith.

The concept of hell as a void, a place devoid of God’s presence, underscores the gravity of rejecting God’s love and salvation. It is a place of eternal regret and torment, where the consequences of one’s choices are fully realized. This stark contrast between heaven and hell motivates us to choose wisely and to live in accordance with God’s will.

The Ultimate Choice

In the end, each of us must choose. I choose God, His universe, and His paradise. I choose a life without sickness, pain, or sorrow. I choose to live in eternal happiness and harmony with God. This is the great end that I strive for, and I encourage others to make the same choice, embracing the love and salvation that God offers.

The ultimate choice we face is one of eternal significance. It is a decision that determines our destiny and shapes our future. By choosing God, we embrace a life of love, joy, and peace, both in this world and in the world to come. It is a choice that brings fulfillment and purpose, guiding us towards our eternal home with God.

In making this choice, we align ourselves with God’s divine plan, accepting His love and grace. We commit to living according to His word, trusting in His promises and following His guidance. This choice is not always easy, but it is the path to true happiness and eternal life.


Spiritual warfare is real and challenging, but through faith and perseverance, we can overcome it. By focusing on God’s word and His promises, we can find peace and purpose. The vastness of God’s creation is a testament to His greatness, and contemplating the universe can deepen our faith. Ultimately, our choice to follow God leads us to an eternal life of joy and fulfillment in His presence.

In conclusion, the journey of faith is marked by struggles and triumphs, questions and revelations. By trusting in God and seeking His guidance, we navigate the challenges of spiritual warfare and grow in our understanding of His love. The universe, with all its mysteries, serves as a powerful reminder of God’s infinite power and creativity. As we reflect on these truths, we are inspired to live faithfully, embracing the promise of eternal life with God.

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