Friday, March 14, 2025
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New Roads Ahead – Part One

Robert Woonacott, will discuss his relationship with God

Life often takes unexpected turns, and it is in those moments of upheaval that we truly discover ourselves. For most of my life, I’ve kept my personal life tucked away, hidden from the world. However, recent events have compelled me to open up and share my story. It’s a story of resilience, change, and a newfound sense of purpose.

It all started when I fell seriously ill. The brush with mortality was a wake-up call, altering the way I perceive the world around me. Almost dying changes you, shifts your perspective, and leaves you feeling different. The world, which once seemed familiar and comforting, now appears as a scary place, filled with uncertainty. For the first time in my life, I found myself unable to predict where my journey would lead.

In the midst of this uncertainty, I found myself daydreaming about starting afresh in a different country. The idea of a clean slate and the freedom to pursue happiness in its purest form was tantalizing. But then, reality set in. I realized I had my reasons to stay right where I was. I had my grandchildren, my son, my daughter, and my father—all precious ties that bound me to my current life. I yearned for the freedom to chase my own happiness, yet I couldn’t bear to sever the ties that grounded me.

Summer brought its own set of challenges when my wife, Jody, walked out on me for the second time. The fear of it happening again looms over me, casting a shadow of mistrust and apprehension. It’s not just the fear of being alone that plagues my thoughts; it’s the feeling of being stranded in the darkness, devoid of direction, with no options but to endure whatever comes my way. The uncertainty of tomorrow and the following week weighs heavily on my mind. All I crave is peace.

I want to make it clear that I am not unhappy. On the contrary, I am grateful for the blessings in my life. I cherish every moment, knowing that life is fragile and unpredictable. My grandchildren bring boundless joy, my children are thriving, and my father remains a cherished presence. I have a fulfilling job, work with wonderful colleagues, and am surrounded by great friends. These factors contribute to my happiness. Moreover, in the past few weeks, I’ve experienced a deeper sense of contentment, perhaps because I’ve come to understand the presence of the divine within my heart.

A turning point came when I was speaking with my friend, Kris. We had been contemplating reviving our podcast radio station, GHTR, which had once been immensely popular. The prospect of rekindling that venture seemed daunting, and doubt clouded my mind. However, amidst the uncertainty, I heard a voice, almost like an inner guidance, telling me to let go and worry less about the future. Such moments have a profound impact on how we perceive life, shifting our perspectives and priorities.

Throughout my life, I’ve carried memories of my grandmother, Haywood, reading Bible verses to me every night before bedtime. As a young boy, I couldn’t fully grasp the meaning of those verses, and some passages even filled me with fear. I was hesitant to ask questions, fearing that it might upset my sweet grandmother, who cared deeply about my life and destiny.

Today, I believe that my grandmother is watching over me, smiling at the path I’m on. I look forward to the day when I can reunite with her in the afterlife, sitting down to discuss everything we missed. I dream of a grand family reunion when we’re all together in heaven, where I can hug my mother and grandparents tightly and express how much I’ve missed them. It may seem almost impossible, but the hope of such reunions sustains me.

In the past four weeks, a profound transformation has taken place within me. I have wholeheartedly embraced our Lord Jesus Christ and have committed to serving Him for the rest of my life. This newfound faith has become the cornerstone of my existence, providing me with the peace and purpose I have been seeking.

In conclusion, life’s journey is unpredictable, filled with twists and turns that challenge our perceptions and priorities. My recent experiences have pushed me to reevaluate what truly matters. Despite the uncertainties that surround me, I find solace in my faith and in the hope of reunions with loved ones in the afterlife. This journey of transformation has taught me that even in the face of adversity, there is always the potential for renewal, growth, and a deeper sense of purpose.


Letting Go Of Christmas Past

Robert Woonacott and Christmas Past
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It’s almost Christmas, and I find myself sitting here, reflecting on what this magical season truly means to me. In my last blog, I shared memories of my childhood, when Christmas was a time of joy, togetherness, and wonder. But as the years passed, life took unexpected turns, and Christmas began to take on a different meaning.

I think back to the time when I graduated from high school, full of dreams and aspirations. I wanted to become a family man, to experience the joy of parenthood, and to create the perfect Christmas for my own family. However, finding a job that would provide the financial stability needed for such celebrations proved to be a daunting task. Nevertheless, my wife and I were fortunate to have the support of our respective parents, who made sure we didn’t go without a Christmas celebration, even if it meant there were no gifts exchanged between us due to our limited finances.

The year my daughter was born remains etched in my memory. It was supposed to be a special time, filled with happiness and hope. But fate had other plans. Just a few days after her birth, our precious daughter passed away in our arms. The pain and trauma of that loss were overwhelming for both my wife and me. That Christmas was a far cry from the magical celebrations of my childhood; it was a time of profound sadness and grief. Little did I know that this heartbreaking event would alter the course of my life forever, casting a long shadow over the Christmases to come.

Life moves forward, but sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if I could have made different choices, taken different paths. As we grow older, we often reflect on our journey and contemplate the choices we’ve made. It’s said that a traumatic experience can change a person, and I believe that losing our daughter changed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It set me on a path of self-destruction, pain, and suffering, which would haunt me for years to come.

Looking back over the years, I realize that I never had the opportunity to spend Christmas with my son or daughter as they grew older. Due to divorces and remarriages, they had other families to visit, cousins to spend time with, and new grandparents to celebrate Christmas with. Countless times throughout my adult life, I found myself spending Christmas alone, grappling with a sense of emptiness and isolation that I couldn’t explain.

I can’t recall the last time I had a real Christmas tree in my home. Although not too long ago, my wife Jody and I had a beautiful Christmas tree adorned with ornaments and lights, I couldn’t bring myself to embrace the holiday spirit. My past experiences had cast a shadow on my ability to find joy during this season. It’s not that I was consciously thinking about the loss of my daughter, but somehow, the happiness that Christmas once held had eluded me.

Now, just a few days before Christmas, I’ve bought presents for my two grandsons. Yet, I can’t help but wonder what Christmas truly means to people these days. This morning, as I was driving to work and skidded off the road into a ditch, I found myself praying fervently to God, asking to be safe and return home. Miraculously, I got out of that predicament unscathed and returned home safely.

As I sit here, I’ve made a decision. I’m determined to make the rest of my life a celebration of Christmas, filled with joy, gratitude, and appreciation. I refuse to dwell on the past, letting it hold me back any longer. I am going to embrace the spirit of Christmas, find happiness in every moment, and cherish all that life has to offer. I have a newfound sense of peace, a closeness to God that gives me hope for the future.

To all my family and friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas. And to my daughter Megan, though you are no longer with us, I love you, and I believe that one day we will be reunited. We’ll have a lot of catching up to do, and I look forward to that moment with hope in my heart.

Christmas Reflections

Robert Woonacott and the winter storm of 2022

As the festive season of Christmas approaches, it serves as a poignant reminder of the stark contrast in fortune that exists among people in our world. Looking around at the state of our world can be disheartening at times, and it forces us to reflect on what the future holds. This morning, I woke up with a resolution not to tune in to the news, for it often feels like an endless stream of negativity, as if our world is crumbling before our very eyes. I’m not sure if there’s a clear-cut solution to the myriad of problems we face, but one thing is certain: the world our grandchildren will inherit will be vastly different from the one we live in today.

I can’t help but reminisce about the magic of Christmas from my childhood. It was a time when my parents and grandparents gathered to celebrate the holidays, filling our home with warmth and joy. I recall the excitement of waking up to find presents beautifully wrapped beneath the Christmas tree. But before we could dive into the gifts, there was the ritual of eating breakfast, a reminder to savor every moment. I made sure to finish everything on my plate, following the rule of first orange juice, then milk, to avoid any unpleasant surprises for my stomach.

Recently, I’ve found myself drawing closer to God. It’s a journey that has been shaped by the challenges I’ve faced, and it now feels like the logical path for me to follow. This newfound faith offers me a second chance, an opportunity to demonstrate my worth to my family and to the divine presence that watches over us all. I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I place my trust in God and the path He lays before me. No matter what obstacles may come my way, even if evil itself were to confront me, I believe that God will stand by my side, a steadfast presence in my life.

Today’s entry will be brief, as there is much more I wish to express in the days to come. We are bracing ourselves for a significant snowstorm that is predicted to hit, a test of resilience for everyone. I hope against hope that the forecasts are wrong, and the storm will pass us by. Yet, I cannot ignore the possibility that this winter tempest may bring hardship to many, pushing them to the brink in their own homes. In such times, it is all we can do to offer our prayers for the world and its people. And pray, I will.

Winter Blues

The world is much different then it was when I was a child.

As Christmas falls upon us we have to remember that there are people in this world who are much less fortunate than we are and I just have to look around and look at the world the way it is and how it is and what’s it going to be and it’s disappointing sometimes, to be honest with you.
This morning I woke up and one of the things that I try not to do is I try not to listen to the news because it seems to me that the news only brings bad news nothing new and that our world is falling apart around our feet. I don’t know if there’s a solution at all, all I know is that think of our grandchildren that are going to grow up in a world that is much different than we live in today.
I remember as a boy Christmas being a magical time. I remember my parents and grandparents all getting together and celebrating the holidays at Christmas and New Year’s. I remember waking up and seeing gifts under the Christmas tree and remember having to eat breakfast dinner before we could open our presents and I had to be sure that I was going to eat everything that was on my plate, you drink your orange juice first and then your milk sack it doesn’t do it the other way around because you’ll get a sour stomach.
Just recently have become closer to God and it’s because of everything that I’ve been through it just seems more you know logical that I get to change my life and I get a second chance to maybe prove to my family and prove to God that my worth here on the planet in this world is worth something. I don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring I have no clue but putting my faith in God and walking his path feels like a good thing that’s the path that I’m going to stay at and I’m not going to let anything stand in my way even evil comes walking down the street to destroy me God will always be there for me.
This entry will be short today because although there’s a lot that I want to say, I just honestly feel that I’ll have more to say in the coming days. We’re supposed to get hit with a very big snowstorm which will test everybody in which I’m hoping that it’ll just blow over and the weather people are just strong, but I don’t know if it wouldn’t surprise me that this would be the winner that will destroy a lot of people in their homes to the point where they will freeze to death I just will pray for the world but I will pray.

My Relationship With God – Video

Robert Woonacott, will discuss his relationship with God

My Introduction Video