Sunday, March 16, 2025
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The Dreams of a New Earth


I sit here, bathed in the eerie stillness of the early morning, after being rudely awakened by a horrible dream. Even Kota, my loyal canine companion, was stirred from his peaceful slumber, his eyes wide with the same fear that had gripped me. The digital clock on my nightstand reads 12:30 am, reminding me that I have roughly three hours left before I need to embark on another day of work. The world outside my window is shrouded in darkness, as if it too is holding its breath, anticipating the arrival of a new day.

As I sit here in the quietude, a cascade of thoughts swirls through my mind. It’s not just the haunting dream that keeps me awake; it’s the profound sense that these might be the last days for humanity on Earth. The belief that God is on the verge of unleashing His wrath upon our planet, and that He has already prepared another world for us, a world called heaven, lingers in my thoughts.

But let’s introduce a twist to this tale. In this age of cosmic exploration, we stand on the brink of discovering that our universe is teeming with billions of galaxies. Each of these galaxies could potentially be a new heaven, a different realm where we can live free from the shackles of evil and illness, where happiness is the currency of the realm. The prospect is staggering, the possibilities boundless.

I find myself daydreaming about these distant galaxies, trying to fathom the unimaginable beauty they might hold. However, my dreams are tempered by memories of a time when I lay in a coma, hovering on the precipice of death. During those dark moments, my consciousness traversed realms beyond comprehension.

In that liminal state, I bore witness to the world that God had created, a place of breathtaking wonders that surpassed the limits of human imagination. Yet, in that same dreamlike journey, I also glimpsed the world as it would be after the prophesied rapture—an existence marred by unspeakable evil. The juxtaposition between these two visions was stark and harrowing.

I feel compelled to share my experiences, to warn everyone that a choice lies ahead. The path to the new world, lovingly crafted by God, beckons with the promise of eternal bliss. In contrast, to remain in this decaying world is to invite a nightmarish existence, where hellfire and suffering become your companions.

As I prepare to recount the tale of my awakening, my hopes are twofold: to inspire faith in the celestial wonders of our universe and to caution against the perils of earthly ignorance.

**Chapter 1: Awakened by the Abyss**

The night was still and heavy, its silence a harbinger of the unsettling dream that would shake me from my slumber. Lying in my bed, Kota nestled comfortably at my side, I was enveloped by the usual tranquility of my nightly routine. But as the dream descended upon me, the room darkened, and an icy fear gripped my heart.

In the dream, I found myself standing on the precipice of an abyss—a void so deep and profound that it seemed to devour all light. A sense of impending doom weighed on my chest, and I felt an unshakable dread as I peered into the darkness.

Then, a cacophony of voices emerged from the abyss, a chorus of anguish and despair. Faces twisted in agony surged forth, their eyes devoid of hope. It was as if the very souls of the damned were reaching out, imploring me to save them from their torment.

Inexplicably, my gaze was drawn upwards, and I beheld an immense clock suspended in the starless void. Its hands pointed ominously towards midnight, and I knew that the moment of reckoning was upon us.

Suddenly, a searing light erupted from the abyss, blinding in its intensity. I shielded my eyes and tried to look away, but it was as if the light demanded my attention. In its radiant glow, I saw images of a world torn asunder—natural disasters, wars, plagues, and suffering beyond measure.

The vision was unbearable, and I awoke with a start, gasping for breath. Kota, my ever-faithful companion, was awake too, his eyes reflecting the same fear that had gripped me. It was as if the dream had left an indelible mark on both of us.

**Chapter 2: The Precarious Dawn**

I reached for my phone and checked the time—it was 12:30 am. The memory of the dream lingered, refusing to be dismissed as mere fantasy. My heart raced, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this dream held a deeper meaning, a message from a higher power.

As I lay there in the dim glow of my bedside lamp, I couldn’t help but contemplate the notion that these might indeed be the last days. The teachings I had grown up with, the stories of divine judgment and salvation, now seemed to converge with my own experiences.

In my restless mind, I began to envision a world beyond our earthly realm—a world prepared by God to shelter us from the impending cataclysm. This world, I believed, was what we called heaven, a realm of eternal peace and happiness.

But what if the truth was more complex than we had ever imagined? What if the universe, with its billions of galaxies and countless stars, held the keys to multiple heavens, each offering a unique and wondrous existence? This idea swirled in my thoughts, a glimmer of hope amid the encroaching darkness.

**Chapter 3: Galaxies of Redemption**

The concept of multiple heavens was as exhilarating as it was bewildering. Could it be that each galaxy in our vast universe held the promise of a new beginning, a fresh start for humanity? My imagination soared as I considered the boundless potential of such a revelation.

In this vision, galaxies were not just distant points of light in the night sky; they were doorways to realms where we could cast aside the burdens of sickness, suffering, and malevolence. Each galaxy, with its own unique characteristics, offered a fresh canvas on which the human spirit could paint its destiny.

I envisioned galaxies where the very laws of nature were different, where we could thrive in ways unimaginable on Earth. Worlds where laughter and joy were the norm, where kindness and love flowed like a gentle river, nourishing the souls of those who dwelled there.

But my reverie was tempered by the recollection of my own harrowing journey. It was a time when I had been suspended between life and death, caught in a liminal space where I had glimpsed both the glory of God’s creation and the abomination that awaited those left behind.

**Chapter 4: A Glimpse Beyond**

The memory of my near-death experience was etched into my consciousness, vivid and haunting. It had been a period of profound uncertainty, a twilight zone between the realms of the living and the beyond.

In that moment, I had been granted access to the divine tapestry of creation. I saw Earth in all its majesty, a jewel in the cosmos, teeming with life and wonder. Mountains kissed the sky, oceans roiled with untamed power, and life pulsed through every corner of our planet.

But even amidst this breathtaking beauty, I saw hints of the coming storm. The dream had shown me a world on the brink

of chaos, a realm tainted by the sins of humanity. It was a place where darkness reigned, where the bonds of compassion had unraveled, and where cruelty had become the currency of survival.

The images were etched into my soul—cities in ruins, skies choked with pollution, and hearts weighed down by despair. It was a world that bore little resemblance to the paradise I had glimpsed moments earlier, and it filled me with a sense of foreboding.

**Chapter 5: The Call to Choose**

As the first rays of dawn began to pierce through my window, illuminating my room with a gentle warmth, I realized the weight of the choice that lay ahead. It was a choice that transcended the boundaries of our terrestrial existence, a choice that would determine our eternal destiny.

In the wake of my experiences, I felt compelled to share my story with the world. I wanted others to understand the profound implications of their choices. The path to the new worlds, to the galaxies beyond, beckoned with the promise of salvation and eternal happiness. To embrace this path was to accept the divine gift that God had prepared for us.

But there was also the alternative, the path that led to a world marred by suffering, where the darkness of human nature reigned supreme. To remain in this world was to choose a fate that was nothing short of hellish.

With a sense of urgency, I reached for my laptop, my fingers trembling as I began to type. I needed to share my vision, to spread the message of hope and redemption. The world needed to know that the choice was theirs to make—to cast their eyes to the heavens and embark on a journey of cosmic discovery, or to remain mired in the darkness of earthly existence.

As I poured my thoughts onto the screen, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of optimism. Perhaps, in the face of impending doom, humanity would rise to the occasion, choosing a path that led to the galaxies of redemption, where the promise of a new beginning awaited.

In the quiet hours of that morning, as the world outside began to stir, I became a messenger of the cosmos, a harbinger of hope in the face of uncertainty. The choice was ours, and the galaxies beckoned, their mysteries waiting to be unraveled by those who dared to dream of a brighter future.

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Dark Future, Bright Hope


In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, I find myself standing on the sidelines, observing the unfolding events from a distance. I have deliberately distanced myself from the relentless barrage of mainstream media, for it no longer serves as a beacon of truth or enlightenment. Instead, it has become a mere puppet, dancing to the tune of dark forces that manipulate the narrative.

As I watch the world around me, I cannot help but believe that we are teetering on the precipice of an unprecedented era. It is a time when the very foundations upon which this nation was built, as enshrined in the sacred Constitution, appear to be crumbling. The pages of history may soon turn, and a new chapter will emerge, one in which the old ways are replaced with something unrecognizable.

In the depths of my heart, I hold the conviction that this grand design was set in motion long ago, a meticulously crafted plan to dismantle the old world order and usher in a new one. With it, the laws that have governed our society for generations will be rewritten, and the once-familiar nation will fade into oblivion, its memory relegated to dusty history books, which may no longer grace the shelves of our schools.

A foreboding future looms on the horizon, one where our ability to defend ourselves and make choices of our own accord will be but a distant memory. The omnipotent hand of the government will dictate our destinies. They will decide where we work, what we drive, and even where we live. Our lives will be meticulously controlled, like marionettes on invisible strings.

I envision a time when the elderly are segregated into isolated enclaves, their care reduced to the bare minimum, cut off from the society they once knew, their worth determined by the arbitrary standards set by those in power.

As the days unfold, I see the division among different cultures deepening, each group relegated to its own segregated corners of the land. Our social status will determine our fates, dictating where and how we live. Those who conform to the government’s laws will dwell in opulence, while those who dare to defy will be condemned to lives of destitution, toiling away in work camps, exiled from the world they once knew.

A sense of persecution will hang heavy in the air, as individuals are targeted and silenced for their opinions and beliefs. In this dystopian world, our society will devour itself, descending into a maelstrom of chaos and despair, until it crumbles into nothingness.

Yet, amid this bleak vision, I hold onto a glimmer of hope for my own future. I yearn for a world untainted by sin and sickness, a realm free from the shackles of crime and malevolence. In my dreams, I envision a life of serenity, where I wake to perfect sunrises and retire to flawless sunsets.

In this idyllic world, I go to a job of my choosing, my passion driving me every day, free from the weight of financial burdens. I travel to far-off lands, exploring landscapes beyond imagination, from serene lakes to majestic waterfalls. The cares and worries of the world are but distant memories.

I picture a home nestled in the countryside, surrounded by endless fields of green. A two-story house with a wrap-around porch, adorned with new furnishings. In the kitchen, a refrigerator brimming with perfect food and the purest water imaginable. As I step out the back door, my eyes fall upon a barn housing a tractor and a pickup truck. In my hand, a device connects me to the world at my fingertips. A vast expanse of land awaits, ready for a bountiful garden, cultivated without the need for harmful chemicals.

The world becomes my playground, a canvas of endless adventures. I traverse the globe, encountering new faces and forging lasting friendships. I dine in exotic locales, swim in crystal-clear oceans, and immerse myself in the beauty of music festivals, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances. I conquer towering mountains, ride the waves while surfing, and partake in countless thrilling experiences. My beloved pets are by my side, and I even have the privilege of petting tigers and lions.

In this future of boundless possibilities, my life is filled with radiant promise. But I am acutely aware that the world we currently inhabit, and the souls left behind, will be trapped in an eternal cycle of torment and despair, a life devoid of hope and endless pain.

For me, the choice is clear—I choose salvation, I choose the path of the Lord. When my time comes, I believe that the heavenly abode prepared for me will be there, waiting to welcome me with open arms. It is then that true life will begin, a life beyond imagination, where the worries of this world are but a distant memory.

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End Times and Observations


In a world that constantly changes, I find myself as someone who prefers to sit back and observe. I watch people and my surroundings closely, absorbing as much as I can. What I can’t always fathom is why things have to be the way they are. Why do people have to be cruel? What makes individuals treat others differently? These questions often occupy my thoughts as I contemplate the state of the world.

It appears to me that we’re hurtling forward into an uncertain future, and I often wonder if it’s too late for us to reverse course. After all, we don’t possess a time machine to transport us back to simpler times. We can only look ahead, and from my vantage point, the future appears bleak. I fear that our children might not have the opportunity to have stable homes, secure jobs, and the chance to care for their families. I’m not suggesting it’s impossible, but as I stand here, I can’t help but think that the ultimate plan might be total control over the world’s population.

Each day, as I glance around, I am confronted with a world filled with deception, greed, and hatefulness. It seems as if people have stopped caring. In grocery stores and on the streets, I see individuals defying conventional gender norms, and I can’t help but wonder about the transformation happening in our society. Such shifts have occurred in the past, but it appears that the present is graver than ever, offering little hope for future generations.

Can you imagine what the world will be like in 20 years? I foresee conflicts and wars, even within the United States, where states are divided, and people harbor animosity towards each other. Our nation boasts incredible diversity, but it seems that we’re more divided than ever. Nevertheless, there’s a hint of irony in my heart because, despite the chaos, I believe the end is near.

Every day, as I offer my prayers, I beseech the heavens to protect my children, my family, and my loved ones. I hope they find themselves among the blessed few in the rapture, spared from the impending horrors. I fear for those who might be left behind because what awaits them is unimaginable.

I sense that things are going to deteriorate significantly, and in a strange way, I feel compelled to prepare for what’s to come. Conspiracy theories abound, predicting explosive events, alien encounters, and spaceship landings. But my faith tells me otherwise. I believe that God will descend to claim His people, leaving the rest of humanity in chaos.

Imagine the moment when this occurs. Picture mothers cradling their children, only to have them vanish. Schools will empty, Christians will disappear, and the world will descend into unimaginable chaos. It’s a moment that will leave humanity bereft of answers and solutions. There’s nothing we can do to change this trajectory; it’s been written. God will unleash His wrath and obliterate all evil.

For those left behind, a chance at redemption will remain, but it won’t be easy. The great tribulation looms, and the enemy, Satan, is amassing his forces to sow destruction. Families will be torn apart, cultures will crumble, and the world as we know it will be reshaped.

The question that persists is whether people will be prepared for this upheaval or continue to deny its inevitability. I think of my own family—my children and grandchildren. If I find myself caught up in the clouds with the Lord, I want to leave behind instructions for my loved ones in case they are left behind. I would tell them to repent, to kneel in prayer, and to seek solace in the Bible, for it will remain a beacon of hope. They must hide their Bibles and immerse themselves in the Word of God, for there will be no more churches, no more diverse religions. A single religion will dominate, and all will bow to the Antichrist.

Imagine being that person, unable to buy or sell food for your family, left to fend for yourself or your spouse, for the children will be gone. The impact on individuals and society will be catastrophic. If you think things are difficult now, brace yourself, for worse lies ahead.

Over the past four years of my life, I have witnessed these changes with disbelief and shame. I am disheartened by what our country has become, and it seems that there’s no turning back. We may be hurtling toward world destruction, and these might indeed be the end times.

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Heaven’s Glorious Reality


In a world filled with uncertainty, doubt, and countless questions about the afterlife, one thing remains steadfast: the enigmatic realm of Heaven. The concept of Heaven has intrigued and mystified humanity for millennia. It’s a place that often seems beyond the grasp of our understanding, a realm shrouded in awe and wonder. Yet, for those who have ventured close to the doors of death and glimpsed the other side, there is an unshakable certainty that Heaven is unlike anything our minds can conceive and far removed from anything our mortal eyes have beheld.

God, in His infinite wisdom, has provided glimpses of Heaven’s grandeur through sacred texts and divine revelations. He has made it abundantly clear that Heaven is a place where He has prepared many mansions for us, a place where a new Earth awaits us. This new Earth is a land of unimaginable beauty, a beauty that transcends the limitations of our human comprehension. The splendor of the land we will stand upon in Heaven defies our wildest dreams.

In Heaven, we will lead lives filled with purpose and meaning, just as we do now. We will don clothes, choose occupations that resonate with our hearts, and engage in daily work. Our days will be marked by a harmonious rhythm of labor, rest, and worship, much like the life we currently know.

Transportation, a means to traverse this heavenly realm, will be at our disposal. We will have homes that embody our deepest desires, gardens that reflect the lushness of our imagination, and treasures beyond what we have ever dreamt of. In this celestial paradise, we will meet and converse with people daily, forming bonds that transcend time and place. Our journeys will take us to distant lands, akin to idyllic vacations, where the constraints of money and time will be but distant memories.

We will have the privilege of immersing ourselves in diverse cultures, skiing on pristine mountains, water skiing on the clearest blue lakes, and swimming in waters so pure that the rocks themselves glisten like emerald and sapphire. The natural beauty of Heaven will be beyond compare, a testament to the boundless creativity of the Divine.

In the heavenly realm, dinner parties with friends and family will be a joyous occasion. New friendships will be forged, and we will embark on a journey of continuous learning. We will acquire new skills, explore musical talents, and revel in the pleasure of singing. Cooking may become a newfound passion, and reenactment parties will serve as celebrations of past events and the gift of salvation.

Imagine amusement parks with an abundance of games and food stands stretching as far as the eye can see. In this utopian realm, people from diverse backgrounds and walks of life will coexist harmoniously. Pain, suffering, sickness, hatred, and evil will be nonexistent, replaced by an overwhelming presence of love.

Worshipping the Lord will be a daily act of gratitude, akin to our practices in the present. In Heaven, knowledge will expand beyond our current understanding, and the opportunity to traverse different realms and times will be at our disposal. Heaven will be a place of boundless possibilities, where the limits of our imagination are continually surpassed.

Consider the tantalizing prospect of heavenly cuisine. In this realm, meat will be absent, replaced by fruits and vegetables of unparalleled flavor and vitality. Every morsel will be nourishing and healthful, devoid of anything harmful. Water will be pristine, and the wine, a product of the finest grapes, will tantalize our senses. Everything in Heaven is perfected to a degree that defies earthly comparisons.

Within the celestial embrace of Heaven, the cycle of day and night will persist. We will rest, sleep, and laugh. Happiness will permeate every aspect of our existence, and the laughter of children will fill the air. It is a realm where everything is pure and new, where each moment is a testament to the eternal renewal of God’s creation.

What I describe is not mere speculation but a revelation bestowed upon me by the grace of God during my sleep. Who can dare to claim that what I witnessed is not real? In my heart and soul, I hold an unshakable belief that what I have seen is a glimpse into the wondrous reality of Heaven. It is a belief that serves as a beacon of hope, a testament to the boundless love and magnificence of our Creator.

In conclusion, the concept of Heaven is a profound mystery that has captivated humanity’s imagination for generations. While we may not fully comprehend the intricacies of this celestial realm, the glimpses and revelations provided to us by God are a source of profound inspiration and hope. Heaven is a place where beauty, purpose, and joy abound, where love and harmony reign supreme, and where our hearts and souls find eternal fulfillment. It is a realm that defies earthly limitations and exceeds our wildest dreams. As I share my vision of Heaven, I invite you to join me in embracing the belief that this glorious realm is real, a divine promise awaiting us all.

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Finding Christ and Purpose


In a world that seemed to be spiraling into chaos, I found myself on a personal journey, searching for the elusive road that would lead me to my own breakthrough in finding Christ and understanding His plan for me. I had spent the last ten-plus years of my life seeking answers, searching for meaning, and trying to make sense of the world around me.

I was acutely aware of the increasing despair that had gripped the hearts of people worldwide. As the end of days drew near, more and more individuals were desperately seeking salvation, but they seemed to have nowhere to turn and no one to guide them. It was a troubling realization, and it weighed heavily on my heart.

What troubled me even more was the number of Christians who, for various reasons, seemed to turn their backs on those who were searching for the truth. Some lacked the knowledge themselves, while others appeared lukewarm in their faith, living their lives immersed in worldly pursuits, seemingly indifferent to the spiritual needs of those around them.

My own moment of breakthrough and clarity came unexpectedly, as I was listening to Sadie Robertson share her testimony. She recounted the story of Simon, a fisherman who had toiled all night without catching a single fish. Exhausted and ready to call it a night, Simon’s life took a remarkable turn when he encountered Jesus speaking to a crowd of people. Jesus asked to preach from Simon’s boat, a request that must have left Simon and his brother in awe and disbelief.

As Jesus finished speaking to the crowd, He turned to Simon and instructed him to cast his nets into the deep water for a catch. Simon, tired and perhaps reluctant, agreed, saying, “Because it’s You, Master, I will do as You say.” Little did he know that this simple act of obedience would change the course of his life forever.

The story is well-known: the nets were filled with so many fish that the boats began to sink. Overwhelmed by this miraculous catch, Simon fell at Jesus’ feet and said, “Master, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” It was at this moment that Sadie Robertson posed a thought-provoking question during her testimony: “What is your boat? What are you good at? What is your passion? What could you use to serve the Lord?” And then she asked the most crucial question of all: “What is your net? What is stopping you from casting it out?”

That moment was a turning point in my life. It was the moment I realized that God had been speaking to me all along, but I hadn’t been listening. Everything changed from that point on. The world around me appeared different, as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes. I saw the reality of the world, its undeniable evil, and the overwhelming temptations that surrounded us. I had opened a door to a different world, one that few people ever get to see.

Since that moment, I’ve witnessed friends and loved ones proclaim their relationship with Jesus, but their lifestyles often didn’t align with God’s teachings. They remained entangled in worldly pursuits, and their actions, conversations, and social media posts reflected it. While it’s not our place to judge others, seeing someone you care about stray from the path of righteousness compels you to guide them back to what is good.

I’ve often emphasized that when you become a child of God, the old you must die. Your old self cannot coexist within the new creation the Lord has made you to be. Letting go of worldly attachments is necessary and distinguishes between being a true Christian and a lukewarm one.

If you’re seeking salvation and a relationship with Jesus, you don’t necessarily need to find a church right away. Faith begins with believing in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Repentance is crucial, but remember that once you do this, you are forgiven. However, the real work begins after that, and if you trust in Him, He will lead you the rest of the way.

If you want to delve into God’s word, you can start with a Bible. You don’t need the most expensive one; there are Bible apps available on your phone, and the NIV translation is a good starting point for its ease of understanding. Later, you can explore the KJV or other versions as you see fit.

Prayer need not be complicated. Just talk to the Lord as you would with your best friend. However, one piece of advice: refrain from speaking your plans out loud, whether to Jesus or anyone else. Pray in your mind because Jesus can read your thoughts, while the enemy cannot.

When it comes to finding a church, exercise caution, as not all churches are alike. Some may appear lukewarm or evade important questions. Trust your instincts, and seek out individuals who are genuinely pursuing the truth. If something feels off or out of place, trust that God will guide you and remove anything that doesn’t align with His will.

In your quest to find your way, remember that the Lord will lead you down the path if you give Him your heart. He will provide more than you could ever imagine. The world may seem tumultuous and uncertain, but with Christ as your guide, you can navigate its challenges and find the peace and purpose you’ve been searching for.

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Father-Son Journey of Redemption


It was a day etched in my memory, a day of profound significance that would shape the course of my life forever. The day my son, Robby, came into this world, marked one of the happiest moments of my existence. He was not just any child; he was my secondborn, and the joy I felt upon his arrival was unparalleled. The sound of his first cry resonated with a promise of a new beginning, a promise that briefly overshadowed the turbulent demons that plagued me during that time. Let us focus not on the darkness of those days but instead on the remarkable journey of my son, Robby, and his remarkable path to success.

Robby’s mother and I eventually parted ways, our love taking different paths, leading to a divorce. Robby remained with his mother, who would go on to marry a man named Todd. They built a stable home in Newaygo, where Robby grew up, attended school, and eventually welcomed a younger sister into their lives. I, on the other hand, strived to be a constant presence in Robby’s life despite not having a stable home myself, often seeking refuge at my father’s place.

I must confess that I was not the responsible father I should have been. I exposed Robby to experiences that no child of his age should have encountered. Among the memories I carry, there was one poignant incident when Robby, a mere five years old, took a bottle of Jack Daniels from my hands and said, “No more, Dad.” That moment served as a wake-up call, and I refrained from alcohol until much later in my life. Nonetheless, there were other adventures we embarked on together, some fun but also dangerous, and the list goes on.

My financial circumstances were far from prosperous, and I often lacked the means to provide Christmas or birthday presents. However, I always made it a point to compensate for this with experiences and quality time with Robby. He was a remarkable child who understood my limitations, and his wishes were modest. We explored air shows, attended drag races, joined parties, rode motorcycles and dirt bikes, and ventured into countless thrilling activities together. I failed to recognize whether he felt fear during these escapades or simply cherished the time spent together.

As time passed, I introduced Robby to a few girlfriends. But there was one relationship that would drive a wedge between us, a relationship that subjected my son to untold abuse, abuse that I remained oblivious to until much later. To my astonishment, I would come to realize that, at such a young age, Robby had taken on the role of caring for me more than I did for him.

Subsequently, I married a much younger woman, Karen, who would bless Robby with another sister, Elizabeth. At that point, I had a home in Fremont and was employed in a foundry. Initially, Karen and I moved in with her parents to save money for our future home. Despite this change in our circumstances, I continued to pick up Robby on weekends as best as I could. However, over time, our frequent visits dwindled, and Karen began subjecting Robby to mental abuse in my absence, a reality that remained concealed from me.

The extent of the abuse that Robby endured under Karen’s care only came to light when she forbade me from contacting him after we relocated to Tennessee due to her enlistment in the Army. She imposed a long-distance code on the phone, making it impossible for me to call my son. Occasionally, I resorted to obtaining phone cards to maintain some form of contact with my family and, most importantly, my son.

As Robby grew, he displayed a remarkable talent for athletics, excelling in football. Meanwhile, my career led me down a different path as I became a truck driver, resulting in less time spent with him. In all the years he played football, I attended only one game, his senior year in high school. When he turned seventeen, I purchased his first car, which, unfortunately, was short-lived after he got into an accident at school. Following his graduation, my son and I would lose touch for the next six years.

Fast-forwarding to a point in time when Robby and I would reconnect, I could no longer wait, and I took the initiative to visit him at his workplace. This visit marked the beginning of our reconciliation. One day, while playing golf together, Robby opened up to me in a heartfelt conversation. Man to man, he shared his life story and expressed the deep sense of abandonment he had felt during the years he spent with his mother and stepfather. It was during this conversation that I discovered he had charted his own path in life, one that owed little to either his mother or me.

Today, Robby resides in Newaygo with his partner, Desiree, and their two daughters, Aurora and Kaylee, as well as their new son, Jaxxon. He works tirelessly to provide for his family, serving as an exceptional father and a steadfast supporter. In his circle of friends and family, Robby stands as a beacon of light, a source of guidance sought by all. His past experiences have shaped him into a remarkable father, husband, and son. I am certain that he will always be there for his family, unwavering in his commitment, and he will never abandon them, for he is the light that illuminates the path toward a brighter future.

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